SEM-REV, Offshore multi-technology test site
SEM-REV is Centrale Nantes' offshore test site. It has all the equipment on- and off-shore required to develop, under operational conditions, marine energy recovery systems - mainly from offshore wind and wave. It will play a decisive role in developing this new industrial sector in France.
- Provide a dedicated site for technology installation and operations.
- Manage the resale of electricity produced by the prototypes tested.
- Store or redistribute electricity for off-grid projects
- Provide access to offices and data (meteorological / oceanographic and control devices) for test supervision.
- Maintenance of equipment and tools under operational conditions.
- Links with local marine stakeholders (users of the sea, state services, operators, marine authorities etc) and local players in the value chain (construction, installation, operation, sensors etc).
- Environmental impact assessment for both the test site and the devices.
Equipment and tools
- Land station: research centre and electrical substation.
- Export cable: 20kV and 24 fibre optics.
- 1km² restricted and marked area.
- Subsea termination units, for three simultaneous connections.
- Met-Ocean instrumentation (wind, wave and current).
SEM-REV Characteristics
- Water depth: 32 m to 36 m LAT
- Seabed: Sand (0.2-0.5 mm)
- Export cable: 8MVA – 20 kv
- 3 test slots: 24 optical fibers
- Wave: 3 Datawell buoys
- Current, tide: 2 ADCP systems
- Wind: 2 meteo-buoys
- Tidal range: 6.2 m
- Max tidal current (10years): 0.7 m/s
- Mean wave energy: 12 kW/m
- Extreme Hs (10years): 8.3 m
- Extreme Hs (50years): 9.6 m
- Mean wind velocity: 7.5 m/s (1h, 10m)
- Extreme wind (50years): 29 m/s (1h, 10m)