THeoREM listed on the 2018 national research infrastructure roadmap

The THeoREM research infrastructure - a network of test facilities for hydrodynamics and Marine Renewable Energies, supported by Ifremer and Centrale Nantes - joined the research infrastructure roadmap of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in 2018.

on May 17, 2018

In order to provide the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation with the tools needed to pilot major research facilities, the 2018-2020 French roadmap for major research infrastructure has selected 99 infrastructure facilities, demonstrating the will of the state, via its major research and higher education institutions, to meet the challenges of knowledge and innovation.

A research infrastructure facility is a shared research tool serving the scientific community.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation certifies infrastructure facilities that meet the needs of scientific communities and which are able to position themselves in the European and international landscape, thereby creating a catalogue of research infrastructure of the highest international standards.

THeoREM is now identified at national and European level as research infrastructure for Hydrodynamics and Marine Renewable Energies. THeoREM promotes research partnerships between academics, technical centers and industry. Companies can carry out risk-reduction by combining experimental modelling and numerical modelling, before proceeding to pre-commercialisation stage. In addition to the Marine Renewable Energy sector, our experimental resources are intended for the offshore oil and the naval sector.
Published on June 4, 2018 Updated on March 19, 2021