THeoREM facilities involved in the MaRINET2 floating offshore wind Round Robin programme
The first trials of the Offshore Wind Round Robin testing program of the MaRINET ( project have been conducted.
on July 2, 2019
These trials took place at the Ifremer deep wave tank in June 2019.
This Round Robin program consists in the testing in different facilities of the same model of floating offshore wind turbine with the objectives of:
• Developing and applying a standardised testing procedure for a floating offshore wind turbine.
• Determining the impact different facilities may have on test results and performing uncertainty analysis.
• Determining the impact of wind action modelling, comparing the use of a thruster with a rotor in a wind field generated by a wind generator.
The model is based on a CENER design of a semi-submersible at a scale of 1/60.
In addition to the Ifremer deep wave tank, the trials will be conducted in three other facilities: