The first THeoREM technical and scientific workshop was held on 22 and 23 November at the Ifremer site in Brest. It brought together the Ifremer and Centrale Nantes teams, which operate the hydrodynamic test facilities located in Boulogne, Brest, Nantes and Le Croisic.
on November 26, 2018
After an introduction by Jean-Marc Daniel (Ifremer), which reaffirmed the priority given to THeoREM by the two organizations, Christian Berhault focused on THeoREM's objectives and operations.
Technical presentations then focused on the description of test facilities, illustrated by symbolic projects: ROTOR, Ditching, Eolink, Floatgen, IHES, EEL Energy, MaRINET etc. This led to very fruitful exchanges on test methodologies, instrumentation and the processing of results, organization of the teams operating experimental infrastructure and the benefit of increased synergy between the teams.
A presentation of the European project marinerg-i, by Christophe Maisondieu, specified the major steps to position the INFRADEV marinerg-i on the ESFRI roadmap from 2021, with THeoREM as the French participant.
The workshop concluded with proposals for the near future, in particular through specific and smaller working groups. The visit of the Ifremer facilities provided a further opportunity to continue discussions: fatigue test equipment presented by Peter Davis and hydrodynamic test tanks presented by Benoît Augier.
Workshop participants:
Benoît Augier, Gilbert Damy, Peter Davis, Gregory Germain, Marc Le Boulluec, Michel Repecaud, Alan Tassin, Sébastien Ybert, Daniel Priour, Christophe Maisondieu (Ifremer), Christian Berhault, Arnaud Blangy, Sylvain Bourdier, Simon Delvoye, Antoine Felix-Henry, Jérémy Ohana, Yves Pérignon (Centrale Nantes).
Published on November 26, 2018
Updated on March 19, 2021