ResourceCODE: First year of hindcast produced

IFREMER and Centrales Nantes are both partners of the European project ResourceCODE (Ocean Energy Era-Net Cofund) which aims at developing a specific platform dedicated to resource assessment and design and optimisation of Offshore Renewable Energy converters. This platform combines an high resolution wave hindcast database and a statistical analysis toolbox made available through a dedicated web portal designed so as to facilitate data access and processing.

on September 23, 2020

Valeur moyenne de la hauteur significative de vagues sur l’année 2017
Valeur moyenne de la hauteur significative de vagues sur l’année 2017
A major step forward was achieved this summer when IFREMER research team produced the first year of the future European ResourceCODE reference hindcast database dedicated to Offshore Renewable Energy.

The configuration of the WaveWatch III® model that was implemented by IFREMER is based on a high resolution unstructured grid extending from the south of Spain to the Feore Islands and from the western Irish continental shelf to the Baltic Sea, making use of the reference EMODnet and HOMONIM bathymetric data.
Forcing winds are extracted from the ERA5/ECMWF dataset while the currents and water levels are recomposed from a database of harmonics of tidal currents (MARS and FES2014). Mapping of the seabed roughness is also implemented for a higher accuracy of the energy dissipation. Ultimately, the ResourceCODE partners will produce a 28-year metocean database covering the [1993-2020] period with an hourly time step. A set of 39 global parameters as well as the frequency spectra will be made available as output at each of the 328 000 nodes of the grid while directional spectra will be made available on a coarser grid.

This first year (2017) of sea-state hindcast produced this summer will be used by the ResourceCODE project partners to conduct the necessary validation studies by inter-comparison with in-situ data, more specificaly on a number of ORE testing sites including SEMREV and with satellite data (Altimeters and SAR). This validation work requiring specific developments, especially the implementation of spectral analysis tools is coordinated by Centrale Nantes.

This year of hindcast will also be used as a reference dataset for the development of the future « ResourceCODE Marine Data Toolbox » coordinated by the Marine Strcutures Laboratory at IFREMER. Together with the project partners, IFREMER’s lab will take advantage of its knowledge in statistical analysis to build a dedicated e-library allowing for an optimal use of the hindcast database for resource assessment as well as for the design and optimisation of ORE converters.


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Published on September 23, 2020 Updated on March 19, 2021