New MaRINET2 testing programme with Cardiff University (UK) at the Boulogne sur Mer facility

The testing campaign conducted as part of the MaRINET2 Transnational Access programme at the IFREMER wave and current flume in Boulogne sur Mer, aims at providing datasets for the characterisation of the wake of a 3-blade horizontal axis current turbine under various flow conditions.

on August 25, 2021

Wake measurement by mean of a 3 components laser velocimetry device. © Ifremer
Wake measurement by mean of a 3 components laser velocimetry device. © Ifremer
The simulated flow conditions will allow the quantification of the influence of both the turbulence rate of the upstream flow and the turbine heading, on the wake development as well as on the turbine efficiency. This database will be used as a reference for the validation of the numerical models developed by Cardiff University.
Given the sanitary situation, these tests were conducted by the IFREMER staff with the remote support of the project team in Wales.
Published on August 25, 2021 Updated on August 25, 2021