THeoREM test facilities in "Foundations, materials & structures"

The geotechnical centrifuge from University Gustave Eiffel

The geotechnical centrifuge from University Gustave Eiffel is based on its campus in Nantes. It allows studying using reduced scale models the mechanical behaviour of geotechnical structures, such as foundations, off-shore anchorages, embankments and retaining walls (radius 5.5 m; 2 Tonnes embeddable under a maximum acceleration of 100 g).

Learn more about the the geotechnical centrifuge

Test benches

IFREMER has standard electromechanical traction systems (capacity from 10 to 200 kN). Combined with immersion ageing in seawater and in deionised water, many tests can be carried out with these machines on the correlation between ageing and modification of the mechanical behaviour of polymers and composites.
Learn more about the test benches

Hyperbaric tanks

Ifremer's hyperbaric testing facility manages and operates four high-pressure tanks of different sizes and performance, used for deep-sea immersion simulations (depths exceeding 10,000 m). They contain fresh water and some can be temperature-controlled.
Learn more about these tanks

The Fatigue cable test bench from University Gustave Eiffel

The fatigue cable test bench, located on the campus of Nantes of University Gustave Eiffel, allows realizing mechanical tests at real scale under static and cyclic loads for civil engineering cables or technical cylindrical elements (maximum static capacity of 24 000 kN, length of 16 m).
Learn more about the fatigue cable test bench
Published on July 22, 2020 Updated on January 27, 2021