Available data and references

Ifremer, Centrale Nantes and University Gustave Eiffel have worked for over twenty years on innovative projects in the field of marine structures, particularly on pivotal projects of European and international scope (MARINET, MERIFIC, SEAORBITER, IHES / GEPS Techno), including recently FLOATGEN, EOLINK and FORESEA, OCEAGEN, FONDEOLE...

The three institutions are also deeply involved, and often driving forces, in upstream research on the modelling (theoretical, numerical and experimental) of physical phenomena related to oceanography, marine biology and offshore systems engineering, e.g. Labex Sea

Their research teams are also innovative in the development of test facilities in order to adapt them to the needs of R&D and innovation: major developments of test tanks, deployment of the first offshore test site connected to the network for MRE, continuous data acquisition systems for environmental monitoring, new embeddable systems for the centrifuge, adaptation of the capacities of the cable fatigue test bench etc. With SEM-REV in particular, THeoREM is getting unique feedback on the regulatory and environmental context of the deployment of MREs.

As a result of their involvement in previous projects, Ifremer, Centrale Nantes and University Gustave Eiffel have built up a unique set of databases on the marine environment and the behaviour of offshore structures which can be used in the R&D projects supported by THeoREM: free access to certain data for "academic" research, conditional access for R&D and innovation projects with its private partners.

Bibliographic references, some examples:

  • J.M. Rousset, Principle of data acquisition and sensors, Seminar on instrumentation of ocean devices Marinet, Le Croisic, april 2014
  • I. Le Crom, C.Berhault, G. Le Bihan, SEM-REV feedback from the marine renewable energy test site, Thetis, Cherbourg 2014
  • I. Le Crom, C.Berhault, “From Lab to reals sea conditions - How to support MRE development” , Atlantic Power Cluster, 2014, Santander
  • Y. Perignon, I. Le Crom, Challenging best knowledge to real conditions on the SEMREV marine test site, EWTEC'2015, Nantes
  • I. Le Crom, G. Le Bihan, H. Lugez,  Marine Operation Review: Feedback on the implementation of the SEMREV test site for Marine Renewable Energy , ICOE'2016, Edimburg, 
  • V. Arnal, T. Soulard, JC. Gilloteaux, C. Berhault, “Designing FOWT mooring system in shallow water depth”, FOWT2018, 2018, Marseille
  • B. Mallat, G. Germain, B. Gaurier, P. Druault, JY. Billard, Experimental study of the bubble sweep-down phenomenon on three bow designs, Ocean Engineering, 2018.
  • B. Gaurier, G. Germain, JV. Facq, CM. Johnston, AD. Grant, AH. Day, E. Nixon, F. Di Felice, M. Constanzo,Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests. Comparisons between towing tank and circulating tank results, International Journal of Marine Energy, Marinet special issue, 2015.
  • P. Mycek, G. Germain, B. Gaurier, G. Pinon, E. Rivoalen, Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour, Part II: Two Interacting Turbines,   Renewable Energy, 2014.
  • B. Gaurier, G. Germain, P. Davies, A. Deuff, Flume tank characterisation of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading,  Renewable Energy, 2013.
  • Maisondieu C., Le Boulluec M. (2016). Benefits of using a spectral hindcast database for wave power extraction assessment . The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems , 7(2), 1-5
  • Maisondieu C. (2015). WEC Survivability Threshold and Extractable Wave Power . Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 6-11th Sept 2015, Nantes, France
  • Le Boulluec M. (2014). MARINET. WP4: Research to innovate and improve infrastructures, technologies and techniques. Deliverable D4.04EC. Report on low frequency response and moorings . D4.04EC
  • EL HAFFAR, Ismat, THOREL, Luc, BLANC, Matthieu, 2019, Impact of pile roughness on shaft resistance in sand, Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers : geotechnical engineering, ICE Publishing Ltd, 11p, DOI : 10.1680/jgeen.18.00135,  https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/abs/10.1680/jgeen.18.00135
  • SCHIAVON, José A., TSUHA de Hollanda Cavalcanti, Cristina, THOREL, Luc, 2019, Monotonic, cyclic and post-cyclic performance of a single-helix anchor in residual soil of sandstone, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, DOI : 10.1016/j.jrmge.2018.12.012, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674775518304499
  • SHUBINA, Varvara, GAILLET, Laurent, CHAUSSADENT, Thierry, GAUDEFROY, Vincent, CREUS, Juan, 2019, Rhamnolipids as an eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor of rebars in simulated concrete pore solution: evaluation of conditioning and addition methods, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, Maney Publishing, pp1-12, DOI : 10.1080/1478422X.2019.1672008, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1478422X.2019.1672008, https://hal-ensta-bretagne.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02353174
  • TREYSSEDE, Fabien, 2019, Free and forced response of three-dimensional waveguides with rotationally symmetric cross-sections, Wave Motion, Elsevier, 87, pp. 75-91, DOI : 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2018.08.001, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165212518303196
  • FARES, Milia, VILLAIN, Géraldine, BONNET, Stéphanie, PALMA-LOPES, Sergio, THAUVIN, Benoit, THIERY, Mickaël, 2018, Determining chloride content profiles in concrete using an electrical resistivity tomography device, Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier, 94, pp. 315-326, DOI : 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.08.001
  • GALLEZOT, Matthieu, TREYSSEDE, Fabien, LAGUERRE, Laurent, 2018, Numerical modelling of wave scattering by local inhomogeneities in elastic waveguides embedded into infinite media, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier, 31p, DOI : 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.11.044
  • ROLLAND, Arnaud, QUIERTANT, Marc, KHADOUR, Aghiad, CHATAIGNER, Sylvain, BENZARTI, Karim, ARGOUL, Pierre, 2018, Experimental investigations on the bond behavior between concrete and FRP reinforcing bars, Construction and Building materials, Elsevier, 173, pp.136-148, DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.169
  • SCHIAVON, José A., DE HOLLANDA CAVALCANTI TSUHA, Cristina, NEEL, Alain, THOREL, Luc, 2018, Centrifuge modelling of a helical anchor under different cyclic loading conditions in sand, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ICE Publishing Ltd, 17p, DOI : 10.1680/jphmg.17.00054
  • VILLAIN, Géraldine, GARNIER, V., SBARTAÏ, Zoubir Medhi, DEROBERT, Xavier, BALAYSSAC, Jean Pierre, 2018, Development of a calibration methodology to improve the on-site non-destructive evaluation of concrete durability indicators, Materials and Structures, Springer Verlag, 51, 2, DOI : 10.1617/s11527-018-1165-4, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1617/s11527-018-1165-4, https://hal.insa-toulouse.fr/hal-01876324
  • Li Z., Blanc M., Thorel L. 2019. Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors to estimate the horizontal response of a monopile in geotechnical centrifuge, IJPMG, published on line on 21st nov. 2019
  • E. Djeumen, S. Chataigner, R. Créac'Hcadec, Q. Sourisseau, M.O. Quéméré, J.P. Court, F. Sayed, Creep investigations on adhesively bonded fasteners developed for offshore steel structures. Marine Structures, Elsevier, 2020, 69, DOI: 10.1016/j.marstruc.2019.102660
Published on June 1, 2018 Updated on January 27, 2021